Script Extensions🔗
Script extensions are the preferred way to change, extend and replace behavior of an existing vanilla script.
It works by registering an entire file of new script functions as a child script of a vanilla script. Not all methods from the original script need to be in the extension script.
Extensions are based on inheritance, which is a concept from object-oriented programming. It is recommended that you know a bit about classes and inheritance before delving deeper. Note that we won't be making much use of custom named classes, we'll mostly be using inheritance to extend a functions logic and then let the mod loader replace the vanilla script with our custom one.
Multiple mods can mod the same functions and their changes will accumulate rather than replacing each other (depending on load order).
Extensions can change vanilla methods before and after they are called, which allows them to manipulate both the input parameters and the output value of a function. They can also completely replace vanilla functions, but be aware that that may reduce compatibility, especially with other mods that change the same function.
Since we are working with standard inheritance, we can also add new member variables and functions to the classes that we extend.
Script extensions can also be applied to Autoloads, if the ModLoader autoload is higher in the load order. You can check the autoload order by setting the mod loader log level to DEBUG and checking the log.
This example script extension changes the path that save files are loaded from in the game Brotato.
The path of this script extension would be, by convention, in the /extensions
folder and then mirroring the
vanilla file structure: res://mods-unpacked/Author-ModName/extensions/singletons/
The above example showed how to call the base method by using super()
or the .
prefix in Godot 3.
It changes the input values for the base function before calling it. Similarly, it is also possible to manipulate the output value by calling the base method first, changing something and then returning that new value, as shown below:
Since we are extending the vanilla base class, not calling the base method would completely replace the method. But, because all methods from each mod in the load order extend each other in a chain, doing this would break the chain and usually cause conflicts between mods.
To install it, call ModLoaderMod.install_script_extension()
from your mod's
, in _init()
or in any function that gets called
by _init()
, like the install_script_extensions()
functions we usually use by convention.
GDScript | |
Script Extensions will not be applied to scripts that are
in any way. This affects both scripts which are preloaded directly - preload("res://")
- and scripts which are
indirectly preloaded by being used in preloaded scenes - preload("res://player.tscn")
This is a Godot limitation we have yet to find a complete workaround for.
For scenes there can be a way to circumvent this limitation by extending the scene that instantiates it. For example,
the pause menu in dome keeper was preloaded and instantiated from another scene. The other scene was extended, which
allowed accessing the nodes within the pause menu after it was created, as well as adding new nodes to it.
Extending global classes (scripts with class_name
at the top) is not possible.
To work around this issue, we've created Script Hooks, use them instead of
extensions when necessary.
Related Godot Issue
It is not possible to replace virtual functions
with a script extension, since the function from the base class will always be called by Godot.
Because of this, using ._ready()
- the _ready()
function of the base class - in a script extension will result
in that function being called twice.
Virtual functions, like _ready()
or _init()
, are used to execute code when specific "events", also called
"notifications", occur. You can learn more about them in the
Godot Documentation.
Related Godot Issue
You can't redefine or overwrite member variables in inheriting scripts. That's simply due to how inheritance works in Godot.
This can usually be worked around by using a function like _ready or _init to change their value ahead of time, or by
extending the function that uses the variable and changing the value before calling the base method.
There is currently no way to insert code into the middle of a function. In the best case scenario, functions are kept small, or you can ask the developer to split the function into smaller parts for the next update. If that fails, you can copy the vanilla method in its entirety and insert your code in the middle. This is the same as replacing a function completely though, so your mod will be less compatible with other mods. Additionally, if the game developer changes that function in an update, you will have to update your function to that new code too, or you risk the game breaking or reintroducing old bugs.
Constants do what they should, so they can't be changed or overwritten. Unless the constant holds an Array, in which case the variable can't be reassigned, but the values within can change without problem. Dictionaries are in a similar situation, where the dict values can change freely, but the keys are fixed.
Technical Details🔗
Script Inheritance🔗
This info comes from the docs for the Delta-V mod loader for a full write-up check this blog post.
In order to allow modifying game functions without copying the contents of the functions or entire scripts in mod code, this system makes use of inheritance for hooking. We exploit the fact that all Godot scripts are also classes and may extend other scripts in the same way how a class may extend another class; this allows mods to include script extensions, which extend some standard game script and selectively override some methods.
Inheritance chaining🔗
By using install_script_extension
, the Mod Loader builds a chain of scripts which are applied one by one.
The order of the chain is determined by the manifest.json
, optional_dependencies
and load_before
If these fields are set correctly, multiple mods should "just work" together without any additional work.