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Important Files and Folders🔗

A brief overview of where to find a few important files and folders across your computer.

For mod specific files have a look at mod files and mod structure.


Game files🔗

  1. In Steam, right-click the game in the left sidebar -> "Manage" -> "Browse local files".
  2. This will take you to [...]/steamapps/common/<GAME NAME>
  3. Contents of this folder vary by OS
  4. The important files for modding are the executable and the <GAME NAME>.pck file.
    • The executable is essentially all of godot, which runs the game, and the .pck is the actual game.
  5. If the pck is not present on windows or linux, it is embedded into the .exe, it still exists, don't worry.
  6. On macOS, the whole application is wrapped into an .app bundle (which is basically a fancy folder)
    • you can right-click the .app and "show package contents" from the context menu
    • The .pck is within that bundle: /Contents/Resources/<GAME NAME>.pck
    • The executable is: /Contents/MacOS/<GAME NAME>

Workshop Folder🔗

  1. Start from the game files
  2. Navigate two folders back, to /steamapps. This folder also contains /workshop
  3. Navigate to [...]/steamapps/workshop/content/<STEAM GAME ID>/<WORKSHOP ITEM ID>

Note: The two Steam IDs can be found in their store and workshop links
Game store page: -> 1637320
Workshop item page: -> 2440099853

Godot User Data Location🔗

This refers to Godot's default user data folder, also known as user:// in the editor.

press Win+R, search

Text Only
%appdata%/godot/app_userdata/<GAME NAME>
or manually navigate to
Text Only
C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\<GAME NAME>

navigate to

Text Only
~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/<GAME NAME>

open Finder, press Cmd+Shift+G, search

Text Only
~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/<GAME NAME>
or manually navigate to
Text Only
/Users/<YOUR USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/<GAME NAME>


Library is a hidden folder, press Cmd+Shift+. to toggle hidden folder visibility in Finder


Make sure to actually replace <GAME NAME> with the name of the game you are looking for. Or leave it out and navigate the last step by hand if you don't know the exact folder name.

Common User Data🔗

Logs are useful for troubleshooting many issues in the running game, both for game and mod developers equally. They contain what you'd usually see in the console output of the editor.
They are all stored in the /logs folder within user://.
The most recent log does not have a time stamp (named just godot.log and might be shown as godot if the extension is hidden).

It's common for settings and game saves to be in this folder too. Deleting settings and save files can resolve some issues, but can of course reset progress. It's safer to move them to another folder as backup. File names differ for each game.


If the files do not appear here for a Steam game, disable Steam cloud saves and make sure you are in online mode. They will appear shortly after. Right-click the game in your library sidebar -> Properties -> General -> disable Steam Cloud