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Mod Loader Options🔗

For easy configuration of the Mod Loader, you can use the ModLoaderOptions resource. Navigate to res://addons/mod_loader/options and double-click options.tres to open the resource editor.

Available Options🔗

Option Name Description
enable_mods Enable or disable loading of mods.
log_level Set verbosity level for logs.
locked_mods List of mods that cannot be disabled or enabled in a user profile.
disabled_mods List of mods not loaded on game restart.
allow_modloader_autoloads_anywhere If true, ModLoaderStore and ModLoader Autoloads do not have to be the first Autoloads
steam_workshop_enabled If true, ModLoader loads mod ZIPs from Steam workshop directory instead of default.
override_path_to_mods Overrides path from which mods are loaded (default: "res://mods").
override_path_to_configs Overrides path from which mod configurations are loaded (default: "res://configs").
override_path_to_workshop Overrides path to Steam workshop directory, for loading mods from there (editor use).
ignore_deprecated_errors If true, deprecated functions trigger warning instead of fatal error.
ignored_mod_names_in_log List of mods whose messages should be ignored in the log.


You can find predefined option profiles in res://addons/mod_loader/options/profiles. These resource files can be dragged and dropped into the value field of a specific feature flag entry.

You can create your own option profiles by saving a ModLoaderOptionsProfile resource. One way to do this is to duplicate one of the existing profiles:

Right-click -> Duplicate...

Give it a new name

Now you can edit it to your liking by double-clicking it in the file dialog

Feature Override Options (Feature Tags)🔗

Available since


If you have a specific feature tag that should use different settings, you can set them as a key-value pair here. The most common use case is to use different settings when in the editor - using the editor tag - that's why it is already added as an override by default.

Another use case is managing multiple release platforms - Steam and others. In that case, you would define a custom feature tag for steam, add it as override and enable steam workshop in the corresponding options. Of course, you can also use steam workshop as default and disable it otherwise.

To add another override, add a new entry to the dictionary. - Select String as type for the key and enter one of Godot's feature tags or one you have defined yourself. - Select Resource as type for the value and drag one of the available ModLoaderOptionsProfile resources into the field.

Be careful with overlapping feature tags.

Since dictionaries are not ordered, we cannot guarantee the order of two overrides being applied. If, for example both "Windows" and "release" define an override, the result is not predictable on platforms where both tags apply.

Game Version Validation🔗

Available since


There are multiple ways to validate that a mod is compatible with your current game version. The most common and easiest method - apart from disabling version checks - is to follow Semantic Versioning (1). The mod loader will automatically disable mods when you increase the MAJOR version and disallow turning them on until the mod creator updated it. This reduces crashes when you make big changes to your game which will likely break many mods. When you increase the MINOR version, the mod loader will disable mods on first launch, but still allow players to manually enable them again at their own risk.

  1. Versions following the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, i.e. 3.4.1

If that is not an option for you, you can still benefit from version validation by writing custom validation logic.

Set the customize_script_path option to where you store your script and run your validation here - the full ModLoaderOptionsProfile will be passed to this script instance. Though keep in mind that since validation is run during _init(), some values may not be accessible, so we recommend storing your game version in a global class or similar.


extends RefCounted

# This is an example script for the ModLoaderOptionsProfile `customize_script_path`.
# Ideally, place this script outside the `mod_loader` directory to simplify the update process.

# This script is loaded after `mod_loader_store.ml_options` has been initialized.
# It receives `ml_options` as an argument, allowing you to apply settings
# that cannot be configured through the editor UI.
func _init(ml_options: ModLoaderOptionsProfile) -> void:
    # Use OS.has_feature() to apply changes only for specific platforms,
    # or create multiple customization scripts and set their paths accordingly in the option profiles.
    if OS.has_feature("Steam"):
    elif OS.has_feature("Epic"):
        # Set `custom_game_version_validation_callable` to use a custom validation function.
        ml_options.custom_game_version_validation_callable = custom_is_game_version_compatible

# Custom validation function
# See `ModManifest._is_game_version_compatible()` for the default validation logic.
func custom_is_game_version_compatible(manifest: ModManifest) -> bool:
    print("! ☞゚ヮ゚)☞ CUSTOM VALIDATION HERE ☜゚ヮ゚☜) !")

    var mod_id := manifest.get_mod_id()

    for version in manifest.compatible_game_version:
        if not version == "pizza":
            # Push a warning message displayed after manifest validation is complete.
                "The mod \"%s\" may not be compatible with the current game version.
                Enable at your own risk. (Current game version: %s, mod compatible with game versions: %s)" %
                [mod_id, "MyGlobalVars.MyGameVersion", manifest.compatible_game_version]
            return true

        if not version == "pineapple":
            # Push an error message displayed after manifest validation is complete.
                "The mod \"%s\" is incompatible with the current game version.
                (Current game version: %s, mod compatible with game versions: %s)" %
                [mod_id, "MyGlobalVars.MyGameVersion", manifest.compatible_game_version]
            return false

    return true


This feature does not exist in Godot 3