CLI Args
Supported Command Line Arguments
Arg |
Info |
--mods-path="path/to/mod/zips" |
Override the path to the mod ZIPs dir. Default path is res://mods |
--configs-path="path/to/mod/configs" |
Override the path to the config JSONs dir. Default path is res://configs |
--disable-mods |
Mods will not be loaded. |
-vvv / --log-debug |
Set the log verbosity to debug - log everything. |
-vv / --log-info |
Set the log verbosity to info - log everything except debug logs. |
-v / --log-warning |
Set the log verbosity to warning - only log errors and warnings. |
--log-ignore="namespace0-modname0,namespace1-modname1" |
Ignores specific mod IDs when logging |
Arg |
Info |
--script addons/mod_loader/ |
Use this startup flag to enable the self setup. |
--only-setup |
Allows to setup the mod loader without user notification, or auto restart. |
--setup-create-override-cfg |
Forces the setup to create the override.cfg in the game base directory. Skips the project.binary injection. |
You can use these in the Godot editor via Project > Project Settings > Display > Editor > Main Run Args