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Provides methods to manage mod state.


This class may be unstable

Methods Overview🔗

Method Description
uninstall_script_extension Uninstall a script extension.
reload_mods Reload all mods.
disable_mods Disable all mods.
disable_mod Disable a mod.



func uninstall_script_extension(extension_script_path: String) -> void:
Uninstall a script extension.

Parameters: - extension_script_path (String): The path to the extension script to be uninstalled.


func reload_mods() -> void
Reload all mods.

?> This function should be called only when actually necessary as it can break the game and require a restart for mods that do not fully use the systems put in place by the mod loader, so anything that just uses add_node, move_node ecc... To not have your mod break on reload please use provided functions like ModLoader::save_scene, ModLoader::append_node_in_scene and all the functions that will be added in the next versions Used to reload already present mods and load new ones


func disable_mods() -> void
Disable all mods.

?> This function should be called only when actually necessary as it can break the game and require a restart for mods that do not fully use the systems put in place by the mod loader, so anything that just uses add_node, move_node ecc... To not have your mod break on disable please use provided functions and implement a _disable function in your that will handle removing all the changes that were not done through the Mod Loader


Disable a mod.

?> Note: This function should be called only when actually necessary as it can break the game and require a restart for mods that do not fully use the systems put in place by the mod loader, so anything that just uses add_node, move_node ecc... To not have your mod break on disable please use provided functions and implement a _disable function in your that will handle removing all the changes that were not done through the Mod Loader

Parameters: - mod_data (ModData): The ModData object representing the mod to be disabled.